Comments - most recent first (Please feel free to answer questions posted by others!)
SloroEleksper ( 23 May 2013, 22:21)
Áûëî èíòåðåñíî ïðî÷åñòü ))
ctxznlrh ( 17 Jan 2013, 05:44)
ankhxxnv ( 13 Jan 2013, 02:39)
sohail ( 18 Oct 2012, 06:31)
implement a very primitive shell that knows how to launch new programs in
the foreground and the background. It should also recognize a few internal
commands. More specifically, it should support the following features.
• It should recognize two internal commands: exit and cd. exit should use
the exit() system call to terminate the shell. cd uses the chdir() system
call to change to a new directory.
• If the command line does not indicate any internal commands, it should be
in the following form: <program name> <arg1> <arg2> ....
<argN> [&] Your shell should invoke the program, passing it the list
of arguments in the command line. The shell must wait until the started
program complete unless the user runs it at the background (with &).
<a href="">forex broker</a> ( 05 Sep 2012, 23:22)
not only out of respect or the sanctity of marriage, but also as a good
11:10. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and and
kept his secret, adding, "O King of the time and Caliph of
Mazhar Rizvi ( 23 Apr 2012, 08:32)
Hi, this is a very good website for Linux. I need a way to make a list of
tar file while making the tar. i can make a list with -t option but i want
to make list while creating tar.gz. somebody please help
Doug Myers ( 03 Apr 2012, 17:41)
Hi Bob
How do I find where a script resides!?
I now the name of the file (script).
But I want to know where it is located so I can see the contents of the
Gladiator ( 02 Apr 2012, 14:08)
Hi Bob
Hi every body please tell me how and where should I start for :
write shell to simulate a web browser:
receive the URL.
Parse the URL get the name of the website.
Query the DNS server to get the Ip address of the host.
setup TCP connection.
ask for the file name and receive it display it on my own screen.
I don't know much please guide me to the detail.
Thanks god you are here.
Please respond me at: [email protected]
and [email protected]
Rohit ( 23 Mar 2012, 06:19)
Some part of Linux and Unix different anther wise both are same.
Obuv ( 15 Mar 2012, 17:28)
Your blog is interesting and will put your blog to bookmarks .
pradeep kumar sharma ( 14 Mar 2012, 01:01)
hw to display the date when opening a terminal..plz mail me..
Liska ( 02 Mar 2012, 22:52)
Something I do not see the feedback form.
pravin kumar ( 19 Dec 2011, 21:36)
hii i want a script that define a palindrome no
ANCHAL ( 10 Dec 2011, 05:22)
hello sir please send me the basic difference between linux and unix
( 29 Nov 2011, 23:56)
No offense, but i suggest adding a facebook like button for the blog!
Majed ( 28 Nov 2011, 09:18)
Hiral Chauhan ( 28 Nov 2011, 08:56)
VERY INFORMATIVE website!! Kudos!!
I can say, I learned almost all my beginner UNIX from here!! :)
Saurabh Kumar ( 27 Nov 2011, 03:28)
Hi, plz tell me how i add content of one file in another file through shell
programming, plz give the code..........thanks
jatinder ( 20 Nov 2011, 01:45)
how we can grep the appache tomcat PId and kill that id with the help of
kuldeep sinha ( 17 Nov 2011, 14:09)
write a shell script to count the no of characters of each command line
Balu ( 17 Nov 2011, 10:11)
hey can you help me out for the command how to catch the particular user
who is creating load on the server,Also spammer who is spamming.
RAJIB KUMAR SAHOO ( 17 Nov 2011, 01:03)
hello sir, i need to help, plz give me all user command,editor& shell
programming in unix
and also some shell programming
sarath ( 21 Oct 2011, 05:18)
I want to record time of the commands given to linux terminal .I am trying
script command. will script can copy router and switch commands.OR they
another way record the time of command .please read this and me the answer
ashir omary ( 20 Oct 2011, 09:21)
give 5 examples of computer scripting languages with syntax examples to
illustrate their coding
Akshada ( 08 Oct 2011, 07:27)
I am developing a project in linux wherein i can turn off or halt the
processes automatically which are not required by the user.. i want to
write a batch file containing process control commands how to write that..
secondly can we pass parameters to batch file and how?
where can i get the complete code of fedora.. what will be easy modifying
the existing code or writing the new one for this project
bheem singh panwar ( 07 Oct 2011, 01:34)
Hello Sir,
This is Bheem Singh Panwar for delhi
sir tell me how to create ldap user through command.
tazzy ( 08 Sep 2011, 15:19)
then type in gedit
echo "hi i m tazzy"
# this hash means comment line
sonia ( 05 Sep 2011, 08:15)
hello sir
it is gud to take help from low fat linux but m not able to
find out tcsh shell commands plz send me the link 4 the same.
in menu almost commands are from bash but wat abt tcsh and pdksh.
giri ( 29 Aug 2011, 10:19)
Please help me to solve this problem, I need to write a shell script that
runs in background and intimates the system administrator whenever any
user login/logoff.
Gayu ( 26 Aug 2011, 11:08)
Thanks Bob ! Very useful site...
tina jadhav ( 24 Aug 2011, 13:57)
hello sir, i need to help, plz give me all user command,editor& shell
programming in unix
harishram ( 22 Aug 2011, 05:11)
sir can u tell me how to create process in linux
Sergiej ( 30 Jul 2011, 04:43)
I like this website, will back here everyday! This is what i was looking
Abe lere ( 07 Jul 2011, 17:26)
How can I extract softwares that I installed on my Linux machine (e.g.
openoffice, SQL, ...) instead of maually colletting then from /bin,
/sbin... I know how to extract the packages using the
rpm -qa > test.txt
sunny ( 05 Jul 2011, 08:14)
very good
rajkumar ( 02 Jul 2011, 06:03)
hi how to improve the linux programming
sagar patil ( 02 May 2011, 13:18)
hi sir, i want to know about how to find out polindrom in shell
bandish dave ( 18 Apr 2011, 06:39)
hi doc,plz give the shell script pgm that execute openerp gtk client and
Vida ( 09 Apr 2011, 00:46)
Hi Bob
Hi every body
please tell me how and where should I start for write shell to simulate a
web browser:
>receive the URL.
>Parse the URL get the name of the website.
>Query the DNS server to get the Ip address of the host.
>setup TCP connection.
>ask for the file name and receive it display it on my own screen.
I don't know much please guide me to the detail.
Thanks god you are here.
Zubair Shah ( 07 Apr 2011, 01:16)
hi doc
i need how to program for shell
rwRasda ( 06 Apr 2011, 05:02)
Hack again?!
Krishna ( 19 Mar 2011, 03:53)
Hai sir,
how to write a shel pgm,
my question is, write a pgm to create 10 process
vaishal ( 10 Mar 2011, 02:43)
what a shell script that print a list of every unique word in a file in
revers order?
dharmar.N ( 17 Feb 2011, 07:51)
I am studying in mepco schlenk engineering college in secound year .my
operting system project is createting own shell .so please guide me and
basic information to me .please replay sir .waite for your mail
thinking you
dinesh ( 07 Feb 2011, 02:41)
dear sir
i want to know how to create Shell Script and give the rights to user and
how to excute that script
umer farooq ( 31 Jan 2011, 08:22)
sir i'm working in linux first i have no idea to create the
so kindly send me the procedure and code of shell creating
haziz habbeboy ( 31 Jan 2011, 04:39)
pls bob am a new beginner in lunix,can anybody pls teach me how to start
with email is [email protected] or +2347987138866
shrenik bb ( 13 Jan 2011, 00:46)
i want shell script program on palindrome,terminal locking,child
process fork
Martin Hookem ( 10 Jan 2011, 11:48)
Hello! I want to write a small script using my text editor.
It's basically a hexdump:-
cd /system/framework
hexdump -C -x 'filename' > hexdump.txt
How would I get it to write to, for example, hexdump2.txt hexdump3.txt
etc.. So that I can then compare the files afterwards.
Bob Rankin ( 12 Dec 2010, 12:43)
@tagel aboneh - Use the tail command and then the ">>" operator to
append to another file.
ex: tail -5 input.txt >> output.txt
tagel aboneh ( 12 Dec 2010, 07:08)
i need assistance on how to writte aprogram that read information from the
end of one file and appends to another
germanfranc41 ( 08 Dec 2010, 02:41)
What a nice site!! Aside from learning you can also ask questions to the
creator!! COOL
[email protected] ( 06 Dec 2010, 02:37)
I want to create Script file of 5 command,
plz help me how to creat and I am not Expert in Linux.
Command 1. upload_file 2.add_to_sinker 3.upload_file 4. storecmd 5.
plz create 1 file for all command given and all command will take some time
EddyBeerke ( 10 Nov 2010, 10:09)
I'm working on a script, but the cd command dos'nt work.
I need some help here:
dir="$(zenity --file-selection --directory --title="Selecteer een
echo "Map is geselecteerd:"
echo $dir
# the next line dos'nt work
cd $dir
Moni Boro ( 05 Nov 2010, 01:56)
write a shell script that prints a list of every unique word in a file in
reverse order?
alexc210 ( 22 Sep 2010, 02:27)
Very nice site!
Leif ( 14 Sep 2010, 18:31)
Dr. Bob,
While doing a quick search for shell scripting for linux I found your site.
I like your style man, and style you have!!!
Keep up the cool stuff, I had to pass the url to a few friend.
Take care,
Leif Hanson
alexf94 ( 06 Sep 2010, 14:08)
Very nice site!
Bob Rankin ( 06 Sep 2010, 09:41)
@satish - To save time, here are all the letters of the alphabet:
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. Write a simple program to generate all
possible combinations of those letters, and then you'll have a list of all
the linux commands.
satish hambarde ( 29 Aug 2010, 04:32)
send me all commands used in linux
Johnboy ( 24 Aug 2010, 15:56)
....assuming you have files in your working directory called junk*
Johnboy ( 24 Aug 2010, 15:52)
I have one question about the script above.If the /tmp directory does not
exist (I know it should on any Linux box), will the contents of your
current working directory be deleted instead?
ralson ( 08 Aug 2010, 07:27)
hw to display the date when opening a terminal..plz mail me..
Bob Rankin ( 16 Jul 2010, 15:04)
@Tebogo - I did! My book "The No BS Guide to Linux" was published by
NoStarch Press, and served as the basis for this website. :-)
Tebogo ( 16 Jul 2010, 05:44)
Man, u GREAT. U should write ur own Linux Book. Things makes sense, when
executing/viewing LINUX commands and scripts.
KK ( 24 Jun 2010, 05:10)
string="xyz is 123,abc is 345, ....."
can anyone help me writing regular expression to match "abc is 345" ?
Mwaura Sammie ( 16 Jun 2010, 00:45)
Bob thanks for your great work in devoting your precious time to maintain
this helpfule website.Its really helpful
Bob Rankin ( 21 May 2010, 13:25)
@Krogen - Ideas? Yes, I have the idea that you want me to do your
homework! :-)
I am Krogen ( 21 May 2010, 12:11)
Hey Doc,
I am trying to create a script that asks the user for a file and then
appends the date to the file the user has entered. I need to let the user
know if the file can or cannot be written too. Also, if the file does not
exist create the file and write the date in the newly created file. Lastly
display to the user the file, including a statement letting them know that
the file has changed.
I know how to do some parts of this, but not all. Nor can I figure out how
to put it all together with IF, ELSE, etc into one script.
Any ideas?
Bob Rankin ( 17 May 2010, 06:56)
@Ben - Very briefly, you want a web page with a form that invokes a CGI
script via the ACTION parameter. That CGI script will then call rigctl.
You can find lots of examples of simple web forms and CGI scripts if you
search online, but here it is in skeleton form:
The HTML form:
<form method="POST" action="/cgi-bin/">
<input type="submit" value="Do It!">
The "" script:
#!/usr/bin/perl --
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# Run a system command
system("command", "arg1", "arg2", "arg3");
Ben Z ( 16 May 2010, 00:26)
Youre information is very helpfull. But, there's always a but, I still have
a question. Google is currenly overheating from my searches so I'll try to
ask you. Currently I'm running the Hamlib utils from an embedded Linux
system. All's running well, I can use the rigctl tool from the command line
and let the connected radio do what I want.
Now I'm looking for the way to control rigctl from a website. Apache is
running, CGI is enabled but I do not have a clue how to start.
All I want is a page with buttons where each button sends it's displayed
frequency to rigctl.
I hope you can give me a direction where to look.
Thanks in advance,
Ben Zandstra
(B.T.W: How about a donation page for your good work ?)
Ravi Kudache ( 02 Mar 2010, 22:49)
vrey nice
Philemon leha demang ( 10 Feb 2010, 03:10)
hi doc,pls notify me about new facts on linux and all document it
I welcome your comments. However... I am puzzled by many people
who say "Please send me the Linux tutorial." This website *is* your Linux Tutorial! Read everything here, learn
all you can, ask questions if you like. But don't ask me to send what you already have. :-)
NO SPAM! If you post garbage, it will be deleted, and you will be banned.